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Curriculum and Accountability

The purpose of the Troy ISD Office of Curriculum and Accountability is to provide leadership, support, and service to district staff, parents, and the community. The focus is on improving learning outcomes for all students through quality instruction at every level.   Staff development opportunities are scheduled for teachers and administrators that enable them to add to their skills as professional educators. 


District Instructional Alignment

TEKS Resource System Logo


Troy ISD uses the TEKS Resource System, a curriculum management solution, to provide K-12 alignment of the State of Texas curriculum, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. The TEKS Resource System provides teachers with a framework for instruction and curriculum documents for planning daily lessons. 


The TEKS Resource System supports Troy ISD's effort to improve academic success for all students. Educators work to eliminate gaps by providing thorough and aligned instruction of the state-mandated curriculum standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.  Their goal is to prepare students for strong progression from one grade level to the next and to ultimately equip them to be successful in their chosen college or career pursuits. Parents are welcome to view the curriculum components online. Vist the TEKS RS website.


Questions about the  TEKS Resource System may be directed to campus principals and core teachers on your student's campus.  You may also contact the district’s Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Darrell Becker.



Contact Information:

Darrell Becker, Ed. D.

Chief Academic Officer


1 Trojan Rd.

Troy, TX 76579

General Information