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Board of Trustees

Troy ISD Board of Trustees

The seven members of the Troy ISD Board of Trustees are the district’s policy-making body.
The board works closely with the superintendent and administrative staff to determine the direction of the school district.
The board’s focus is on the education and well-being of all students in Troy ISD. 
The board’s seven trustees serve three-year terms.
Elections are held annually as the terms of the members are staggered so that at least two positions are up for election each year.
Elections are held in May on the uniform election date.  

As elected representatives of our community, we are committed to making informed decisions that shape the future of our schools. Our responsibilities include:  

  •  Hiring and evaluating the superintendent
  • Approving the district’s budget and associated tax rates
  • Working with the superintendent to adopt policy

Our mission is to support every student in reaching their full potential by prioritizing safety, equity, and excellence in all our decisions. We invite you to explore our initiatives, participate in our meetings, and join us in our dedication to student success and safety.

Meet the Board

A man in a suit and tie smiles for the camera in front of a burgundy curtain.

Gary McMurtry (May 2024-May 2027)


A man in a maroon suit and tie smiles in front of a burgundy curtain.

Tommy Valle (May 2024-May 2027)

Vice President

A woman with blonde hair smiles for the camera, wearing a black and white patterned dress with a white flower pinned to her shoulder.

Carrie Trees (May 2023-May 2026)


A man in a plaid jacket smiles for the camera, wearing a red rose.

Jon Gersbach (May 2022-May 2025)


A man in a plaid suit and tie smiles at the camera, standing in front of a maroon curtain.

Bill Negron (May 2022-May 2025)

A woman in a red dress smiles warmly against a burgundy curtain backdrop.

Amy McKissick (May 2024-May 2027)

A man in a blue suit and glasses smiles for a photo in front of a burgundy curtain.

Kirk Bailey (May 2023-May 2026)

Meeting Schedule

August 26, 2024

September 16, 2024

October 21, 2024

November 18,  2024 

December 16, 2024

January 27, 2025

February 17, 2025 

March 17, 2025

April 2025 TBD

May 2025 TBD


All are welcome to attend school board meetings in person.

Meetings are held at the School District Administrative Offices at 1 Trojan Road, Troy, TX 76579 in the Board Room.


A Commitment to Excellence

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Regular meetings of the board are held on the third Monday of each month at 6PM in the Troy ISD Administration Building located at #1Trojan Rd, Troy, TX 76579. Special meetings and workshops are scheduled as needed and are posted on the website and at the Administration Building. 

  • Those wishing to address the board may do so by signing up prior to the meeting on a form provided by the board. Based on the number of speakers, the presiding officer will establish a time limit of one to five minutes. Unless the item presented is on the meeting agenda, the board cannot discuss or consider the item until such time as the item is placed on an agenda for a future meeting and is posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act.