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Resources and FAQ




GT Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) 

Meeting PPT: 11/12/23






To read the State Plan, click this link: Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Parents/guardians may refer their student(s) for Gifted and Talented testing by filling out the Initial Parent Referral Form, found on the Troy ISD Gifted and Talented Website.  Any questions can be directed to the Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Samantha Preece (

    In Kindergarten, all students are screened based on MAP test scores for the Gifted and Talented Talent Pool.  Students who qualify for the Talent Pool and return permission forms will remain in the Talent Pool through second grade.

    In second grade, all students are again screened based on MAP test scores.  Students who acquire at least the minimum cut-off score will receive a permission form for full testing.  Once testing is completed, parents will receive a placement determination letter.

  • You may refer your child at any time.  However, testing only occurs once a year – in the spring.  The official referral timeline is located on the Troy ISD Gifted and Talented Website.  Students referred after the deadline will be added to the list of referrals for the next school year.

    1. Make an official referral using the Initial Parent Referral Form on the Gifted and Talented website under Referral Information.
    2. Fill out the Parent Referral Packet, located on the Troy ISD Website, and return it to your student’s homeroom teacher or Samantha Preece, the Gifted and Talented Coordinator (  This form also serves as the permission to test, so be sure to sign the portion of the form that requests permission before returning.
  • Placement determination letters are mailed each year in May.  

  • If you are unhappy with the committee’s decision, you may file an appeal through the office of the Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Samantha Preece (  All appeals will be addressed according to Troy ISD Board policy.

  • If your child needs a furlough or exit for any reason, contact the office of the Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Samantha Preece (

  • At the time of withdrawal, parents should request that all Gifted and Talented records be sent with the student’s other records.  Students transferring from another school district go through the same G/T process (profile matrix completion and committee approval) as students that are fully tested in the district.  If incomplete information is received from the student’s school district, it is possible that the student will need to complete a portion, or all, of the testing given to in-district students.  Parent permission will be necessary to complete any testing and/or placement in the G/T program.